Case Studies

Case Studies

A Radiologist Viewing Bran Imaging

From Start to Finish, Shasta Networks Leads and Optimizes Cerner EHR Integration for Northern Inyo Healthcare District

As a key provider of health services in Inyo County, Calif., Northern Inyo Healthcare District requires state-of-the-art technology to stay on pace with the evolution of the industry and provide excellent patient service. For its conversion to Cerner CommunityWorks, NIHD turned to long-time partner Shasta Networks and its Ascent Summit Platform to complete their third EHR transition together since 2003.
Image of a clinician in PPE using a laptop at work

Shasta Networks Streamlines and Automates COVID-19 Reporting for St. Ann’s Community

To protect its workforce and preserve quality of care, St. Ann’s implemented point-of-care testing and partnered with Shasta Networks to automate mandatory reporting to the New York State Department of Health. The solution merged disparate data sources and securely transmitted that information to the state, increasing the timeliness and quality of St. Ann’s response.

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2000 Tolman Creek Rd
Ashland, OR 97520
(541) 488-6820